St. Michael School is Proud to be Highly
Accredited by Cognia
St. Michael School is proud to be highly accredited by Cognia (formerly called AdvancED), as per our positive results in the spring of 2023. We now embark on the exciting work of analyzing results and applying valuable feedback as we work together to achieve revised goals. Through this process we identify and sustain those things that are going well, and name areas we can develop actionable plans to continuously improve before receiving accreditation again in six years.
Our accreditation review team identified structures, processes, and practices that reflect the following significant “Areas of Strength:” (1) Our Catholic Identity including strong partnerships with and full support of the pastor and parish; (2) Our Culture of Professional Learning intentionally builds the capacity of faculty and staff through ongoing professional development; and (3) Reverence for each other is evident in how we interact with each other.
The review team also identified “Areas for Improvement” that will help us continue to improve: (1) Engage Stakeholders in feedback more often to engage in the process of continuous improvement; (2) Communicate the Institutional Plan in clear and articulate ways, including financial health, professional development, and enrollment management; and (3) Provide more Opportunities for Service across all stakeholder groups.
At St. Michael School we are committed to excellence and look forward to continuously improving through our six-year accreditation term. View our Accreditation two-page summary document here. Located within the two-page summary there is a detailed report, which includes our revised goals that will continue to be our focus, in partnership with our faculty, school families, and School Advisory Council.
More information about Cognia can be found by visiting www.cognia.org.